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Showing posts from June, 2021

Definitely an INTRODUCTORY blog.

                                Typical. I would wish my parents named me 'typical' instead of Nandhini for that is what exactly I am. Speaking of my name, I am a typical Dravidian Indian citizen. (I call myself a teen of age-related issues.)                              Believe me, I still haven't understood how this blogging works and how it reached you and keeps you reading. (I'm pretty sure you're reading it because of my passion for writing). YEET!! you're still reading. I'm definitely skilled in blogging.                           I told you I'm typical. Typical of what? typical of a teen!. well if u haven't yet noticed my URL I named it 'radical-fem-teen2005'  for which I define as a feminine teenager who wants to reform something .  I'm not gree...