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Definitely an INTRODUCTORY blog.


Typical. I would wish my parents named me 'typical' instead of Nandhini for that is what exactly I am. Speaking of my name, I am a typical Dravidian Indian citizen. (I call myself a teen of age-related issues.)
                             Believe me, I still haven't understood how this blogging works and how it reached you and keeps you reading. (I'm pretty sure you're reading it because of my passion for writing).YEET!! you're still reading. I'm definitely skilled in blogging.
                          I told you I'm typical. Typical of what? typical of a teen!. well if u haven't yet noticed my URL I named it 'radical-fem-teen2005'  for which I define as a feminine teenager who wants to reform somethingI'm not greedy I just wish I could get nominated for being the youngest reforming blogger turned celebrity. That's it. SIMPLE AS IT SOUNDS.(just anti-kidding).

                          So, all my life I've been a great secret blogger writing stuff and disabled everyone to read but only me. But the season's changed. I'm going to publish some feel good and actually good posts of my own creation and my dear readers are going to spread as far as they can to nominate me for the NOBEL or OSCARS even !!
GREAT! Thank you for reading!

SO, if you are or were a teen too, don't miss my posts and don't miss to mail your reviews about my posts. 
Nandhini Iyappan 
( I would recommend all of you to start blogs with me so we can  together win Nobel prizes!)



Anonymous said…
Congratulations Granger🤩
You should be proud of yourself♡
Miss.Typical Granger
Unknown said…
All the best d...Reach more heights...❣
Unknown said…
Typical Elephant sounds good actually 😆...Secret Blogger all these years.... ..well a big secret...
Move on and keep achieving...💐💐
And this blog is just BRILLIANT!!!!!
Unknown said…
Typically it's sounds superb❤️kutty baby... keep going
Unknown said…
Good start.. Keep going with this wonderful art!! Lots of love..
Unknown said…
Keep rocking dd....
Unaku ivalo talents irukey....
Unknown said…
I am really enthralled the way she has written and it is really amazing an article. Keep it is the limit..
Unknown said…
This blog is so amazing ...Love your blogg

Yes!!! Reach heights
Unknown said…

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