Let me assure you with the next few minutes of reading. This isn't about the disadvantages of what the topic says nor the advantages because we have plenty of folks on the internet to talk about those.
I don't like to sound like an old chap talking about 'do you remember those olden days without mobile phones??', the reason being I didn't really exist at those reigns, at least back then averagely there was a handy phone in most of the houses (less than two decades back.)
But, can you imagine, children born in the present decade will brag that they were grown with smartphones and laptops and those to be born in the next decade will talk that they had bendable screens that displayed their favourite shows. (Who knows?) . While we remember waiting for 'DORA' or the 'OSWALD' cartoons which were our promising entertainment back then not to mention we can understand Dora's blindness by now for she asked every detail to us only.
On the other hand, I don't think life would have been easier without these tech developments especially in pandemic situations like this. Special thanks to Swiggy and Ola and Netflix founders.
There are chances you might get depressed when you imagine being thrown so many centuries prior i.e among the cave dwellers, when Tesla or Marconi didn't exist, which means no smartphones no Fans no TVs, Oh, Comm'n! there was no wireless technology and not even electricity!!, not to mention you will find yourself straight under the shade of a tree or a cave among your roommates, OH SORRY! there will be no rooms nor houses, and your cave mates will look at you with wonder why looked more evolved. You will not even have toilets there!
Get out of the illusion. Not to be depressed. This isn't happening.
So are we mentoring Technology or is Technology mentoring us? Either of the way, life's improvised, ain't it?
Nandhini Iyappan